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JoleDate: Sunday, 2009-05-24, 10:32 PM | Message # 1
Lord of Warez
Group: Administrators
Messages: 96
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline

LimeWire Users

The program distributed by Lime Wire, "LimeWire BASIC" and "LimeWire PRO", is legal software, but like many legal things, it is possible to use it in illegal ways. Specifically, it is illegal for you to use LimeWire to share, distribute or download (all of which we call sharing) copyrighted files without permission, or to share unlawful pornographic materials. In addition, it may be unlawful to share certain other files that are protected, proprietary, personal or confidential or contain protected, proprietary, personal or confidential information. The LimeWire program is distributed and licensed for use only in an authorized and lawful manner and not to share files which the copyright owner has not permitted to be shared. Your use of LimeWire BASIC or purchase of LimeWire PRO does not constitute a license in or to share unauthorized or unlawful materials. Your download and use of the LimeWire software from www.limewire.com is per a license granted you by LimeWire. To view the license in its entirety, click here. Your license to use the LimeWire program is expressly conditioned upon your agreement to not knowingly use the LimeWire program to share files that are protected by copyright from sharing over P2P networks. Use of the LimeWire program constitutes your acceptance of and agreement with all of the terms of the license.

Please click here for more information on using the LimeWire program safely and on how peer-to-peer works generally.

NOTE: The LimeWire program enables access to the Gnutella peer-to-peer file-sharing network. The Gnutella file-sharing network is referred to in the LimeWire program as "P2P network". The P2P Network is comprised of the computers of its many users. There is no central server for the files that populate the P2P Network. As such, Lime Wire cannot control what content may exist in the P2P Network. Lime Wire cannot and does not review the material in the P2P Network. Because of this, Lime Wire is not responsible for the content that is shared using the LimeWire program nor any damage it may cause. For more information on using P2P safely, please click here.
Sharing Files

Like all P2P file sharing programs, everything you share with the P2P Network (the LimeWire program refers to the Gnutella peer-to-peer network as the "P2P Network") becomes public and given sufficient resources, is trackable. To use LimeWire legally, you must have the permission of the owner of the copyright rights in the file for each file in your LimeWire shared Library. To see all the files you are sharing with the P2P Network or a friend, click on "P2P Network" or a Friend in the LimeWire sidebar and then click on "Share with (name)" at the top. This will show you a snapshot of your Library and what files are being shared with the P2P Network or that particular Friend. The number of files next to each category reflects the number of files you are sharing in that category. Most popular files (audio, video, photographs, documents) are copyright protected and not authorized for sharing, distribution and/or downloading without further additional express authorization from the copyright owner. This is usually the case even if you purchased the content initially. Please seek legal counsel if you are unsure whether or not a file is authorized for sharing, distributing and/or downloading over the P2P Networks. In addition, here are some resources that may be helpful in determining whether or not you may be permitted to share a particular file. NOTE: these resources are for your reference only and must not be taken as legal advice as to the copyright(s) in your particular file:

* Search for a copyright registration with the US Copyright Office database. However, a work may still be copyrighted and illegal to share even if it's not registered with the US Copyright Office.
* Check out www.magnetmix.com for more songs and videos that are free and legal to share.

Downloading Files From The P2P Network (Gnutella)

There are many programs other than LimeWire that connect users to the P2P Network (Gnutella). Keep in mind that a user may use the LimeWire program in violation of the law. Be careful when downloading files from other users as downloading a file from a user who is in violation of the law could you make you in violation of the law as well.
LimeWire Copyrighted Content Filtering

The LimeWire filtering feature is designed to help ensure that all sharing is purposeful and not inadvertent, and that all sharing respects the law, the users of the P2P Network and the wishes and rights of copyright owners. When filtering is enabled, before LimeWire downloads a file to your computer, LimeWire compares the digital signature of the particular file with a list of files that copyright holders have requested be filtered. If a copyright owner has requested that a file not be shared, LimeWire prohibits your downloading of that file. When you install the LimeWire software you will be prompted to select your filtering options.

NOTE: At any time, you can choose to have Lime Wire attempt to filter copyrighted content by going to Tools > Options > Security > Filtering and checking the box "Don’t let me download or upload files copyright owners request not be shared". Keyword based, file-type based and IP address based filtering is also available. For instructions on your other filtering options, click here.

Right now, Lime Wire’s filtering list is not comprehensive and many copyrighted files may still be available on the P2P Network. Our goal is to eventually filter out all files that copyright owners do not wish to be shared with the P2P Network. We are working to make our filtering system as effective and error-proof as possible. If you are a copyright owner and believe your content is being shared without your permission, you can register particular content in the filtering system here.
LimeWire User Privacy

Lime Wire respects the privacy of its users. Click here for Lime Wire’s Privacy Policy.
What Happens If I Commit Copyright Infringement?

Your activities on peer-to-peer networks such as LimeWire may be monitored by copyright owners. Violation of copyright laws may subject one to substantial money damages. Copyright owners have sued thousands of people for infringement of copyright over peer-to-peer networks.
Where Can I Get More Information About Peer-To-Peer And Copyright?

More information on copyright law generally, including discussions on audio, video, photographic and text copyright, is available at the United States Copyright Office. More information on audio and video copyrights and their application in a peer-to-peer environment is available at the RIAA and MPAA websites.
Copyright Owners

Lime Wire respects the concerns of copyright owners and is continually developing tools to help protect copyrights works from online copyright infringement. LimeWire's filtering system was developed to give copyright owners control over their content. If you are a copyright owner and would like to learn more about how Lime Wire's filtering system can help protect your works, please click here.

Register or sign in to LimeWire's Filtering System.

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